Lynx rufus
Origin: North America
Lifespan: 7 years, rarely exceeds 10 years
Size: Adults males weigh from 14 to 40 lbs and adult females weigh from 9 to 34 lbs. They are the smallest of the four lynx species (Bobcat, Canada lynx, Eurasian lynx, and Iberian Lynx)
Diet: Carnivorous
Preys on rodents, birds, fish, insects, foxes, skunks, mink, etc
Favorite prey are rabbits
Activity: Crepuscular (active mostly during twilight hours, dusk and dawn)
Males begin breeding by their second summer.
Females begin breeding as early as their first breeding season starts February to March
Typically gestation is 60 to 70 days
Females raise the young alone
Within three to five months of age, the young begin traveling with their mother
The are fully capable of hunting for themselves by fall of their first year
Extra Facts:
Also called "Wildcats" or "red lynx"
Bobcats tend to be more aggressive than the Canada Lynx
They are built for warmer climates compare to other Lynx
A collective group is called a "Clowder" or "Clutter"
Males are called "Torns." Females are called "queen."
Can reach speeds up to 34 mph and jump as high as 12 ft
Named because of their bobbed tails.